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Do I Have Permanent Acid Reflux from taking Doxycycline?

is my heartburn from doxycycline permanent?

I previously wrote about why I stopped taking doxycycline as a malaria prophylactic. That was back in 2011. I had just finished a trip through West Africa at the end of 2010, and I had returned home to the states before setting off on the road again.

Originally, I thought I was having a problem with my heart. I had never really experienced acid reflux or heartburn before, so I didn’t know what was going on. I had chest pain, and I thought the worst. After substantial analysis at the Cleveland Clinic, I learned my heart was in great shape.

Reflux became the primary culprit after I explained to my doctor that the sensation was at its worst right after I would lay down for bed. An endoscopy and a acid monitor implant (worn for 48 hours at which point it dissolved on its own) proved the reflux theory to be correct.

My doctor suspected the doxycycline probably had something to do with it, because I had never experienced GERD before, and I did not have a family history loaded with reflux cases.

He prescribed me to 40mg of omeprazole (aka Prilosec) daily. This is more than a normal over-the-counter dose (20mg). I was eventually able to move down to 20mg, but I could not stop taking the omeprazole. My doctor told me repeatedly that I would just have to take the omeprazole for a short period of time, and then everything would be back to normal.

This still has not happened. After more than four years, I still have to take omeprazole regularly. I have experimented with diet changes, stress reduction and eating habits (eating more slowly, in smaller quantities and at the right times), but none have come close to fully eliminating the problem and allowing me to stop taking this drug.

If it wasn’t for this trick for fighting GERD, which I discussed the other day, I would be taking 20mg of Prilosec every single day regardless of my diet and lifestyle.

It would appear I am going to have GERD for the rest of my life. All I can do now is try to manage it. What is astonishing is that I can’t recall a single incidence of acid reflux or heartburn prior to taking doxycycline.

I remember in my 20’s when many of my friends would pop TUMS like candy, complaining of heartburn all the time. I had no idea what they were talking about. In fact, I often made fun of them for having a “made-up” condition. Perhaps this is my payback after all those insults.

Anyone else find themselves in the same boat as me? Anyone else take doxy and wind up with a permanent case of reflux? I’d like to hear from you. Let me know how long you took doxy, how the problems started and how long it’s been since you’ve stopped taking the drug.

Here’s to finding a permanent solution for acid reflux, regardless of whether it’s doxy that caused it or not. Believe me, I regret making fun of so many friends for taking TUMS and complaining of heartburn!

{ 13 comments… add one }

  • Lauren November 12, 2016, 3:19 am

    After a severe case of food poisoning in India and several rounds of different antibiotics, I have also developed severe and constant heartburn. Like you, I never had issues before this. It’s been about 6 months with no relief. I’ve been through every test the doctors can think of, and the gastroenterologist just settled on the diagnosis that the food poisoning incident (then treating it with a bunch of antibiotics) disrupted the natural processes of my body so much that it just overreacts to normal digestion now. He said maybe in a year to 18 months, I will start to feel better.

  • James January 20, 2017, 12:36 am

    Hey im from india.i got food poisoning episodes and doc gave me bunch of antibiotics regularly.one day it vecame severe and i was diagonised with gerd now.taking nexium everyday.this sucks.i have to carry this life.i think antibiotics damage tge valve of stomach

    • phil January 22, 2017, 5:01 am

      Hi James,
      Sorry to hear this!!! I would strongly recommend seeing a gastroenterologist. An endoscopy is a simple and painless procedure that will determine if there is any real damage.

  • Nancy Rachall March 9, 2017, 2:01 am

    I had pneumonia an was given Doxycycline Hyclate100 mg an now have chest pain an gerd an heartburn.

  • Patrica Maggipinto March 26, 2017, 3:06 pm

    I was on doxy and you name it for years ended up with bad chest pains yeast in esophagus and lesions in esophagus and stomach just went for tests and was put on acid reflux meds

  • Jenny Tau July 17, 2018, 12:35 am

    I had food poisoning once and ever since have been having bad chest pains/heart burn but at first was scared it was my heart. just started taking doxycycline for something unrelated a week ago (after the food poisoning) and now having other acid reflux symptoms and realized I just have it really bad. Hope myn goes away after I stop doxy..

  • Nat Paw September 18, 2018, 5:04 am

    On doxy for lyme, week 5 of 6. Dwveloped gerd a few days ago, taking zantac.
    Hoping this is not a lifetime issue.
    How is the chewing gum solution working, especially for night time gerd?

    • phil September 18, 2018, 9:27 am

      The chewing gum helped me get off of omeprazole completely. At night, I would make sure not to eat late meals, and I would chew sugarless gum right before going to bed. I would (and still do) sleep on my left side with my head adequately propped up. This worked for me and it continues to do so.

  • Boris January 24, 2019, 5:13 pm

    3 months doxy for Malaysian jungle. Permant severe reflux for four years, nexium every day. Just found this product from ATP science called Gutright. Legit haven’t taken a nexuim in weeks. I hate that natrual remedy garbage, but this product had changed my mind completely. Give it a go, if your like me and got reflux after taking doxy, what have you got to lose.

  • Lisa June 21, 2019, 6:10 pm

    Doxy has ruined my life and all because I was trying to fix my Rosacea. Severe heartburn to the point that I didn’t even want to speak yesterday. seeing Gastro next month, hope I haven’t completely ruined my insides.

  • Rob February 13, 2021, 6:40 pm

    Did a doctor ever explain how doxy caused your problem? My experience was very similar to yours. Never had heartburn bf taking doxy and I have suffered for a couple years now. Do you take drugs daily? I don’t, but wonder if the risks of acid in your esophagus daily might be worse than risks of drugs suppressing acid. Thanks.

  • Liron February 7, 2023, 11:36 am

    We are in the same boat
    I took those peels for ten days
    After taking the first pill, I felt that something was wrong in my throat .. till now, one and a half years later,
    Couldn’t eat without feeling very bad
    I knew it was the doxycycline
    I was healthy and strong and never felt reflux before
    I didn’t eat well while taking that pill and that was my mistake
    After searching for an answer for so long
    I did endoscopy and they found inflammation of helicobacter philory and anatrom gastritis
    I eradicated the helicobacter by taking lots of antibiotics. It didn’t help to cure the reflux
    I found that it happens to me only after eating, while the stomach is not empty
    No matter what I eat.
    When my stomach is empty I feel well and a pain relief. Acid reflux happens before meals.

    Because of the reflux timing, I did some examinations to test if I have a non acid reflux

    For one of the tests, I drank half a glass (4 ounces) of cold water combined with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, on an empty stomach. Then I timed how long it takes you to burp. If it takes longer than three to five minutes, the theory goes. It took me more than three minutes.

    So maybe I don’t have enough stomach acid
    Helicobacter in my case can cause hydrochloride and hydrochloride can cause reflux etc.
    a non acid reflux has very similar symptoms to acid reflux.

    Now I’m pregnant so I can do nothing about it but
    After getting birth I’m going to try taking Betain hydrochloride with pepsin.
    I wish it will be the solution
    If it is I will be more than happy to share

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