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Health Hazards You Should Be Aware Of When Going To China

Modern China is a magnet for travellers from around the world. However, if you travel to less popular areas, what is often referred to as “old” China, you will find something similar to a third world country. This means you can expect dubious hygiene, ill health, poor sanitation and an inadequate infrastructure. At the same time, since there are so many people present literally anywhere, health risks have to be considered. Here are the main health hazards you need to be aware of when you go to China.


In area where there are many tourists present, like Macau, and in the major cities this is not a big problem. However, all throughout China, spitting is something that is much more common than it should be. You can see this practically everywhere, in restaurants, when waiting for a bus and even as you walk down the street. The reason for so much spitting is that traditional Chinese medicine dictates not swallowing phlegm. Also, it is quite common to see people sneezing without even trying to cover their noses.

Bathroom Hygiene

Public bathrooms are notoriously bad in China. You need to be mentally prepared to use squat toilets, even if in the major cities they are far less common. Many of the bathrooms are in disarray and you need to have toilet paper with you. Fortunately, if you forgot it, buying toilet paper is possible at convenience stores and even at the bar or restaurant you are enjoying.

Because of the fact that plumbing systems are poor, toilet paper should never be flushed down the toilet. You have to throw it away in a special bucket close to the toilet. Also, get ready to pay to use public bathrooms.

Pollution Alerts

Those that suffer from asthma and want to visit China need to plan ahead. Pollution is a really serious problem in the country. One thing you might not know is that 16 of the 20 most polluted of the world’s cities are located in China. Due to this, it is better to be careful if you have problems with your throat, skin conditions or allergies. You should also never drink tap water. Do not even use it for cooking as it is safer.

Building Safety

Although the construction industry is huge in China, it also led to unsafe building work. Many buildings are non-insulated and improperly built. Even if the possibility to become a victim of a building fire or collapse as you visit is really small, it is wise to be careful when you visit undergoing construction areas. Fire codes do not really exist and so many buildings are old. Expect a lack of smoke detectors, sprinklers and fire escapes.

Disease Epidemics

Unfortunately, in China it is quite easy to get sick. In 2009 there was a Pneumonic plague outbreak, with bird flu and Avian Influenza still being around. Obviously, bird flu is mostly common in the rural areas but you have to avoid the animal farms or markets just to be safe.

China stands out as the country with the second highest rabies incidence. Over 2,000 people die of rabies every single year. In addition, if you visit China, you will be screened for H1N1 symptoms. If even a small sign is present, quarantine is mandatory.

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