The most important factor for enjoying the sights and sounds of any new country that you travel to is by staying healthy and fit. Always while travelling to any country, think and plan well in advance to avoid any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the trip. Depending on the type of the trip, location [...]
Southeast Asia
Click on an article to get the full scoop on that particular country in Southeast Asia.

Known for its extreme bio-diversity, populous urban areas and stunning beaches, the Philippines are a popular destination for travelers to Southeast Asia. As a tropical developing world country, there are some travel health risks for those visiting this nation of islands. In this post, we will cover everything from vaccinations to malaria risk. While the [...]

Situated in Southeast Asia, Cambodia comes with many of the same travel health recommendations that you would find if you were taking a trip to Thailand. There are a few differences, however, mainly concerning malaria prevalence. In this post, we will recommend pre-trip preparations as well as tips for staying healthy while you are in [...]

For a tropical country, the travel health risks in Thailand are relatively low. That said, malaria is endemic in certain areas, there have been occasional outbreaks of dengue fever, and there is always the potential for traveler's diarrhea and typhoid. But don't worry - with a bit of caution, these can all be avoided. While [...]