The following is a guest post from Lisa Boice. Brace yourself for a traumatic yet entertaining read. We would also recommend reading her thoughtful blog, The baby aspirin years and following her on twitter at @MsBoice. There was an expletive. More than one, in fact. I had just slipped on an icy section of the [...]
Sick on the Road: Stories
This category provides stories about travel health highs and lows from travelers just like you. Whether funny, scary, gross or amazing, these stories offer perspective and helpful tips to ensure you have a great time while abroad.

Well, the world didn't end on December 21st and another year now approaches. It seems an appropriate time to round up a few travel health posts from blogs and news sources that we found interesting in the past several months. We hope you enjoy these articles as much as we did. In any case, Happy [...]

It's been a minute since we had a travel health round-up. You can take a peak at previous versions over here. In these posts, we point out interesting content we've found around the web. Often, the posts directly relate to issues around travel health and well-being. As always, if you have interesting content that you [...]

Who doesn't like detailed and helpful free resources? In this post, we will review and provide a link for an excellent guide called Where There Is No Doctor. Written by Hesperian Health Guides, this ebook is an excellent resource for anyone that is traveling to a tropical or developing world country. Where There Is No [...]

It has been several weeks (months, oops) without a travel health roundup. This is what happens when you are traveling through West Africa. The lapse certainly hasn't been for lack of great travel health content. Here are a few things we've enjoyed recently. When You're On The Road, Sick & All Alone We've featured Earl [...]

Everyone seems to have their own sequence of events which lets them know that they are getting sick. Fever, chills, sore throat - these are often part of the equation. But what exactly is going on in your body? Why do we get a sore throat? Why do we end up swimming in mucous? This [...]

This entertaining (and informative) guest post comes from Jade over at Our Oyster. I'm not sure who said it first, or how it came to define what it means to be a successful traveller, but for some reason, six years ago when I started travelling this motto became my personal mantra. Of course, as a [...]

The following is our second post on skin infections (see the first one on cellulitis over here). This one comes from Alex at Enjoy her entertaining and somewhat intense tale of what it's like to get an infection in your armpit! In 2010, I took my first official round-the-world trip. I went surfing down [...]

Welcome to our fifth travel health round-up (see previous round-ups here), in which we share travel health related blog posts and news items that we find interesting, occasionally disgusting, and often instructive. If you have any suggestions for the next one, get in touch. This week, we focused on a disease that's been coming up [...]

Welcome to our fourth travel health round-up (see previous round-ups here), in which we share travel health related blog posts and news items that we find interesting, occasionally disgusting, and often instructive. If you have any suggestions for the next one, get in touch. We found this guest post from Anya Clowers on LandLopers to [...]