Gоіng tо dіffеrеnt рlасеѕ іѕ аlwауѕ a fun еxреrіеnсе, trаvеlіng саn аlѕо bе tіrіng аnd ѕtrеѕѕful аt times, especially whеn thеrе аrе саѕеѕ оf lost luggage, lаtе flights, оr accidents аlоng thе wау. Thе nаturе оf trаvеl саn ѕоmеtіmеѕ damage a реrѕоn'ѕ hеаlth, weakening thеіr immune system, аnd mаkіng thеm ѕuѕсерtіblе tо dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf [...]
Travel Health Tips
This category contains tips for staying healthy on the road.

Getting sick is never fun, but getting sick while you’re on vacation is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to you short of getting stuck on an elevator with a politician who won’t shut up. However, slightly worse than that is getting avoidably sick while you’re on vacation. That is, getting sick due [...]

We have written a considerable amount about travel insurance on this site. But the game has changed since we last wrote about the topic and it's high time for an update. It used to be as simple as comparing costs of providers, finding a suitable policy and clicking on "buy now." While it is still [...]

Sick in London: Here is what you should definitely know Getting that trip of your dreams can be a pretty big deal but your body might or might not be ready for this sudden and short-term change. Being acquainted with the food habits and water of a certain place makes your body rely on a [...]

In the Amazon basin, where ayahuasca is traditionally consumed during spiritual ceremonies, a new kind of "psychedelic tourist" has emerged. The money-making potential has not been lost on the local population, and all sorts of "spiritual guides" and gurus have sprung up, offering Westerners a taste of one of nature's most potent psychoactives. However appealing [...]

Mount Kilimanjaro is rightfully one of the world's most prized trekking destinations. At 4,900 meters, it is far and away the highest mountain in Africa. It goes without saying that climbing Kilimanjaro is a physical undertaking, one that you must prepare for in advance of your trip. Here are a few tips to stay healthy [...]

Thankfully, Europe doesn’t have the same major health concerns that may be found in parts of Africa or Asia for instance. As regards vaccines and precautions, Europe is quite safe and this includes France. France actually has one of the best health care systems in the world! Flying into Beauvais or Charle de Gaulle and [...]

If you’ve always wanted to travel abroad but felt limited by your medical condition, now’s the time to go. Advances in technology, medicine, and media communication have made travel more accessible than ever. Ready to go on the trip of a lifetime? Here are six tips to make the most of your adventure. Some people [...]

The barbed stinger situated on a stingray's tail is something out of a guide to medieval torture. While they are not aggressive animals, stingrays have the unfortunate ability (for us, anyway) to almost complete disguise themselves while swimming around the ocean floor, and they happen to love hanging out in the shallow waters where you [...]

"Foot" and "fungus" are two words you never want to see paired together. Unfortunately, that revolting combination is precisely what happens under the right conditions. In many ways, you are more likely to come across the offending fungi while you are traveling. More time in shared spaces, hotel rooms, and possibly swimming pools and locker [...]