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Welcome to Sickontheroad.com. If you are planning a trip, looking for information about specific illnesses or disease outbreaks, trying to find the best travel insurance or travel health products, we've got you covered.

Don't know where to begin? Start here.
lyme disease

Lyme disease is one the world's more alarming diseases, because it can manifest itself in numerous ways. Transmitted by the bite of certain infected ticks, untreated Lyme Disease can spread throughout the body and can eventually affect the heart and nervous system. While it is treatable with antibiotics, symptoms of Lyme disease have been known [...]


Egypt Travel Health Guide

Egypt travel health guide

Egypt is pleasantly free of many of the diseases that are found further south of it. Travelers don't have to worry about taking malaria prophylactics or dealing with many other tropical diseases, such as dengue fever. There are a few things you should be on the lookout for, however, and we will use this post [...]

travel health round-up

It's been a minute since we had a travel health round-up. You can take a peak at previous versions over here. In these posts, we point out interesting content we've found around the web. Often, the posts directly relate to issues around travel health and well-being. As always, if you have interesting content that you [...]

local remedies around the world

Local remedies are a touchy subject on a blog devoted to travel health. There is always a fine line between sound medical advice and concoctions that don't have concrete data supporting their use. Of course, we are not doctors and we always advise our readers to have a real consultation with a doctor that specializes [...]

stay healthy on your flight

We've previously talked about ways in which you can deal with a flight if you are already sick. In this post, we will talk about how to avoid getting sick from a flight. Before we get started, I just want to say that we will not be talking about motion sickness or anything like that [...]

vomit bags

Disclaimer: I was sent a fee sample from Fully Sic Bags. That said, this review is non-conditional and I can write whatever I want. When I was traveling in Ghana in 2010, I had a horrific roadside incident that I've since been trying to erase from my memory. I was on my way to Takoradi [...]

travel health emergency

Last year, I had a string of accidents that involved blood loss. I tore open the bridge of my nose on a colleague's elbow, I gashed my toe on a tree stump and I ripped my leg open after falling into an open sewer in Ghana (pic to the left). In each case, I was [...]

deciding on travel insurance if medical care is cheap

Depending on where you are traveling, you may have access to highly affordable medical care. In fact, medical care may be so cheap that you may consider foregoing insurance. In this post, I will talk about a personal experience with cheap medical care and why I continue to buy travel insurance. While traveling in West [...]

alcohol poisoning, hangovers and blackouts

For many travelers, drinking is something of a recreational activity. There are some people who actually plan their trips around festivals and parties. Nightlife options weigh heavily for many. As fun as a big night out can be, it can also put you in bed the next day, erase some of your memories and produce [...]

common features of most travel insurance policies

We regularly harp on the importance of travel insurance on this site. If you follow the blog, and regularly read articles about things like amoebic dysentery and typhoid, then you probably see the importance as well. The simple fact is that you never know when an accident or an illness is going to strike. While [...]

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