Anyone who has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD will know just what a huge negative impact it can have on life. This is a condition that not only affects the sufferer but also those around them such as family, friends, and even work colleagues. Many people think that only military personnel suffers from [...]

Nothing beats spending a day outdoors surrounded by gorgeous landscapes and beautiful sceneries. One thing is for sure, if you are planning hiking a 13 kilometers trail, you are going to have to pack a few essentials. Carrying these essentials in a raggedy old backpack is probably not the best idea. When you have to [...]

Sometimes, you may not be able to take a shower and this may be due to various reasons. Imagine that you are ill, or maybe you are camping or going on a road trip and not lodged in a hotel where you can take a decent shower or you are just plain lazy that day. [...]

The coronavirus pandemic took everyone by surprise. No one expected it to happen all of a sudden. Like any other virus, this one also creates symptoms in people that catch it. The problem is that the symptoms are practically the same as having a regular cold. That's why additional tests are done so that doctors [...]

SARMs, more recognized as selective androgen receptor modulators as mentioned in this article, as well as anabolic-androgenic steroids, were primarily used to deal with a great variety of problems caused by multiple diseases, and the symptoms or consequences caused by their treatment. With that said, there’s more than one that has been using them for [...]
The life of the traveller is one that’s fraught with risk. However, there are plenty of steps you can take to minimise them and enjoy a happy and healthy trip. With that in mind, here are seven savvy health and safety measure you can take. Pack a first aid kit Injuries are common when you’re [...]
In the world of health and wellness, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is viral. You might have heard from many that it is good for us, but have you ever tried to know how it is right for your health. Umm, probably not. Apple cider vinegar has been around for centuries now, and according to countless [...]
It’s only a few generations ago that most people lived and worked in the same small geographical areas – plying their trades, raising families and socialising without venturing forth into the wider world. Books and newspapers probably peaked their curiosity about cultures on the other side of the planet, but having the wherewithal or technology [...]
Travel can work wonders for your physical and mental health. However, entering a foreign space that your body’s unfamiliar with is not without its risks. So before you begin your 2020 travels, here are five fantastic travel health tips to help you stay fit, healthy and happy. Do your research Travelling to another country can [...]
Travelling can be the best medication you can ever offer yourself. However, you must note that not all journeys are as smooth and glamorous as they appear on postcards and social media posts. The most breathtaking adventures can often lead to bruises, aches, stress, and anxiety. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t stop you from having fun. All [...]